Within the Department of Physics, PEG’s staff are divided into a number of personnel units which align closely with the membership of the staff teams that execute PEG’s largest program areas. Currently, there are three of these groups, each supervised by a Group Manager. Contact information can be found on the Physics Department Directory.

Physics Advanced Laboratory Group (Junior Lab)

Junior Lab is a two semester sequence in experimental physics, usually taken by third-year physics majors. The course focuses on the professional and personal development of the student as a scientist through the medium of experimental physics. Our work is shared with the professional community of advanced physics laboratory instructors, notably through the Advanced Laboratory Physics Association (ALPhA).

MIT Online/Residential Physics Education (MORPHE)

MORPHE provides lecturers and technical staff for our on-and-off campus MITx courses through the MITx Digital Learning Lab. Our work on MOOCs is shared with the professional community notably through the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) and IEEE/ACM. We also conduct physics education research shared with the professional community notably through AAPT and the APS Topical Group on Physics Education Research (GPER).

Physics Instructional Resources Lab (PIRL)

PIRL provides technical and teaching support for introductory physics courses at MIT. This involves the creation and curation of demonstration apparatus as well as significant classroom interacton. Our work is shared with the professional community of physics educators, notably through AAPT and the Physics Instructional Resource Association (PIRA).

NamePositionPrimary Group
Mohamed AbdelhafezLecturerMORPHE
Rosie AndersonTechnical Instructor IIPIRL
Caleb BonyunSenior Technical InstructorPIRL
Peter DourmashkinSenior LecturerMORPHE
Byron DruryLecturerMORPHE
Shams El-AdawyPostdoctoral AssociateMORPHE
Aidan MacDonaghSenior Technical Instructor; Digital Learning Lab Junior FellowMORPHE
Christopher MillerTechnical Instructor IIPIRL
Orisvaldo Salviano NetoAssistant EducatorJunior Lab
Aaron PilarcikTechnical InstructorJunior Lab
Sean P. RobinsonPEG Senior Manager; Junior Lab Associate Director; LecturerJunior Lab
Cory RomanovTechnical InstructorJunior Lab
Alex ShvonskiLecturer; Digital Learning Lab ScientistMORPHE
Amit TiwariPostdoctoral AssociateMORPHE
Michelle TomasikMORPHE Manager; Lecturer; Digital Learning Lab ScientistMORPHE
Carey WitkovPostdoctoral AssociateMORPHE
Joshua WolfePIRL Manager; Senior Technical InstructorPIRL

Past Members

NamePositionPrimary Group
Randy PetersonVisiting Professor from Sewanee: The University of the South in Spring 2024Junior Lab